Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Social Media: Does Popularity Creates the Problem

Impcat of Social Media
Impact of Social Media

While you are using Social Media for your Entertainment as well as Study or even for your business, have you ever notice that you are also entering into darkness. We accept that this online social media has made our communication and business at a cloud 9 but what would happen if it not managed correctly.

People use it to connect globally to learn and grow but they forget to manage it and get addicted.
The demerit of this network is not only for students and business but also it has been more dangerous for children that use for their entertainment.

Virulent to Business:

If we talk about the beach that occurs in business due to social media then we say that this platform put a window to whole world into your enterprise. We know that with the ease of social media, an issue to your business can spread into world in minutes or even in seconds sometimes.
We know that it takes a long to build a reputation but in destroying, it takes seconds.

Breach to Business Accounts:

As social media is a platform of communication to unknown and strangers, the attack of virus and harmful malware may create security risks. All the business create the account on these social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter or linked-in, where they shares some private information regarding their business and policies. Due to these suspicious activity, the data breach to your social network account take places.
Expert says: “In decent year the linked-in has to face the data breach due to improper encryption technique and before 6 months Twitter has faced security breach to its account”.
By this, the businesses are facing a serious problem while they use the social media for promotion of their services and products.

Danger to Students:

As students use the Social platform for education as well as for entertainment, they are not taking it seriously while it is creating continuously a dangerous situation to them.
With their entertainment by posting on social media, they are affecting their education life. By using Social network, the students are being dependent on it for finding solution of questions. This decreasing their academic performance. They spend much time on these social networking sites and not give proper time to social talk and thus reducing their ability of discussing with others.
If we say about study and learning, then we can add one points also that students are also reducing their learning capability by relying on Computer's Spell checker tool, i.e. They don't try to correct a spell by mind, they just use this computer tool.
This also affect their professional life, when the recruiter hire a student, they also check their social profile before interview or acceptance.

Impact on Teens:

Although the social media is a positive way to learn but isn't it affect the child health and their creativity strength. The addiction to internet has created a environment of depression, social anxiety, introversion and other maladaptive behaviors in children and adolescents.
The most considerable social media is Facebook that has created the most narcissistic, antisocial, and aggressive problems. These social sites don't only attract the children with their social service but also with their Advertisement feature. This influencing the child's buying habits. People sometimes don't aware of activity tracking system of these social networks.

How to Keep Safe:

  1. Track your Social Profiles: Don't ever post private information on these social networks. Also remember that you are not posting anything embarrassing in your potential network. Control the access to your social profiles with Privacy service of social network.
  2. Don't hide from Interviewer about your Social Accounts: If any recruiter ask you for your social network account or activity, then don't hind about it, as hey might check your social profiles.
  3. Data protection Software: Use Data protection software to protect yourself from cyber attacks and phishing.
  4. Manage Your Identity: Try to search your name on Google to see your identity uses. Check your Identity on Website like White-pages and Super-pages and manage your listing.
If you want to delete your social profiles from these social networks, then it might be little difficult ot find the delete option. With, you can easily manage your social accounts.

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