Monday, June 24, 2013

Pinterest : A Effective Social Channel in Business Markerting

The Internet Marketing is being more popular due to some Social Media or channels that provide the best platform to get more and more traffic and business profits as well. These social networks connect many user around the world and allow them to contribute or share their knowledge. In this increasing social platform, the pinterest , Famous Social channel has played its major role by getting attentions of pinners with its attractive and photo sharing facility.

The reason of the its popularity is the idea of image sharing that is shared in the form of pins and repins. This facility is like sharing of pics on other social networks but the pins and repins make it little different. The one interesting thing about the Pinterest is that it provide very giant collection and grouping of the image through the use of boards (As every board has its name and pictures, images and videos can be repinned on each board).
The success of pinterest over facebook is that it provides the option of like and share of the particulur product in the term of pins and repins but the Facebook only provide the like option of only the brand, not product.
Due to this, Big and small companies are also using the pinterest to promote their products, projetcs and ideas. Mostly pages on the pinterest are websites, stores and publications.

What things do affect the pinterest traffic ?

There are few things that completely affect the traffic on this social channel. These things include Description, Image Height, Image Level, mostly choos-able words and others.

Description : only the images and websites and blog does not make it good, a better and image relative description is also a important thing. The description must be of length around 200-300 characters.

Image Height : if the image is enough tall to raed and understand by visitors then it would increase the chances of more repins. So the taller images should be used.

Image Level : The image with perfect and relevant level always attracts the visitor's sight, so the level must be put with the image.

Most choosing words : The fact of words and image also come to the point that the use of most repinnable words are very effective like pins about food and images about design are mostly pinned by visitors.

Type of content on comment : If the content used for image description for repins would be likable rather than comment-able then the visitors movement to your pins would be great.

Some interesting facts about pinterest :

There are some interesting facts about the pinterest, they are :
  1. Pinterest has its position at no. 3 in case of driving traffic in US.
  2. The most of the pinterest users are female that is about 80%
  3. Pinterest refers more than 10 % shoppers that go through purchase compaerd to others.
  4. 25 % of fortune Global companies have their accounts on Pinteret
  5. 80% people trust on pinterest as a source of information and advice.

Conclusion: It is the Social Media Platform that provide the facility of sharing of your thoughts through  images that can be liked and shared in the term of Pins and Re-pins. it is being popular in Business promotions, products advertising and many others.

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